IT Strategy

" I’m more interested in the future than in the past, because the future is where I intend to live."

Albert Einstein

Typically, a CIO heads an IT department in a company and is responsible for traditional IT strategy. In this context, IT is classically, information technology-oriented, but should have been in a state of transition for some time and be more business-oriented. In recent years, the title CDO, Chief Digital Officer, has been shaped, which brings this professional orientation and is essentially concerned with the following topics: breaking down silo structures, entrenched thought patterns and business logics; establishing cross-functional cooperation, business value focus and mobilisation of the entire organisation, as well as leading the entire company to a "digital mindset" and into a "digital future". In a CDO organisation, incubators and independent creative departments have been built. However, these are not able to transfer the results to the entire company. Some of these units have already been closed or even sold.

The CIO organisation is characterised by qualities such as efficiency, stability and control and at the same time high IT competence, while the CDO organisation is characterised by comparatively short-term and innovative projects with great proximity to products and the market. Both thus stand for different cultures and skills, which are of great importance for the success of a digital transformation!

Today, an organisation, whether CIO or CDO, is expected to be efficient and flexible at the same time (organisational ambidextry). While many companies have already addressed this and outlined a path to their digital future, more and more are seeking their bearings in this regard. What capabilities do I have in my IT today and how do I need to adapt/change them in the coming years? Which digital business model fits our company? Do I need a CDO? We accompany you and your company with these questions and advise you with our long-standing experience in IT.

IT Strategy
Your contact

Gilles Zimmermann

Partner | IT Architect & Strategy

Leave us a message if you need help in the alignment of your IT Strategy & IT Enterprise Architecture with your business needs!